Newsletters & mails for customers in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
(Re-) activatie your customers
Newsletters and customer e-mails are very helpful to keep in touch with your German customers, regardless of whether they are currently active buyers or not.
In your own specific layout and with your own inspiring content you inform customers on new products or services, or on news about your company.
Not every customer will be interested in all the updates you send. But if you have regular updates on a variety of your activities, you can be sure that some of the recipients of your newsletters will acknowledge them.
Depending on your customer base, your newsletters will trigger a response from your German customers. Some will revisit your website, some may ask for more information. Others may register for events you are planning.
Magnetic newsletters
Creating magnetic newsletters for your customers in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland is a task you will enjoy. It offers you the opportunity to speak to them in your specific tone of voice and with the excitement you would like to share with them.
Real-time data on opening- and click rates will help you to refine your topics and content. Your data tells you how many customers like specific topics and how changing your approach to other topics can result n positive change.
And if you would like to engage in more advanced customer communications, we have experience in working in the CRM units of sales divisions. This includes setting up virtual customer service centers that help inform your German customers on a 24/7 basis.