Directing and convincing German customers
Your success in selling your products in the German-speaking markets will depend on the perceived quality of your products, your content, and your ability to shape a positive consumer experience at every stage of the customer journey.
There are different ways of designing a customer journey map. The one to the right is very simple but, importantly, it already contains information on customer emotions that you wish to trigger through your actions.
What we show below is the anticipated learning curve of German consumers who are considering purchasing a product with a certain price tag. It’s about emotions and connecting to your potential customers.
This journey, too, is simplified to demonstrate what consumers do during their phases of exploration, consideration and purchase, and how you should respond. But in reality, the journey is much more complex.
As recent Google research suggests, consumers do not have a linear learning curve. Rather, they go back and forth between exploratory and evaluation phases. Thus, you need to be present with strong messages at all possible touchpoints of the journey.